
Map layout features full placement size interactive map with location pins. The map can contain multiple locations and it can be set to focus on the closest or display up to 4 closest locations in the map legend as text. The locations’ data is taken from a XLS or CSV file which contains Location title, Latitude and Longitude. Optionally, it’s possible to add overlay assets. Read more about map layouts.

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NEXD blob

Ad types tooltip

  • Infeed
  • Interstitial
  • Interscroller
  • Expandable

Interactions: tooltip

  • Touch interaction

Extra Features: tooltip

  • Effects
  • Countdown Widget
  • Map
Chart bg
  • Full placement size interactive map with the client (store, cafeteria, gas station, etc) location pins
  • Locations can be shown in a small area or all around the world
  • Shows the nearest location
  • Navigation directs the user to the selected pin location
Mobile fullscreen

Average CTR:


Average Engagement:



Average CTR:


Average Engagement:


*Average result from served impressions between 1.01.2023 - 31.12.2023

NEXD blob

Main assets tooltip

Map data (csv)

Dimensions for infeed and desktop tooltip

location title, latitude, longitude

Dimensions for fullscreen tooltip

location title, latitude, longitude

Additional assets tooltip

Overlay CTA (jpg, png, svg)
Overlay Logo (jpg, png, svg)
4x Overlay Element (jpg, png, svg)

up to [ placement ] @ 2x
up to [ placement ] @ 2x
up to [ placement ] @ 2x

up to 640 x 1280
up to 640 x 1280
up to 640 x 1280

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NEXD blob


You can adjust how your creative behaves, among other options:

  • Adjust sensitivity of ad behavior tooltip
  • Customized close button for Interstitial tooltip
  • Stop all animations after set number of seconds tooltip


For this creative you have following analytics events to understand how users interact with the creative:

  • Ad is in view
  • Ad Loaded
  • CTR
  • When you pay per CPM, please bear in mind that the map CPM price is higher than the general infeed or fullscreen price.